Once again I have been searching online for more information on foster care.... I am starting to think this blog may be helpful for ME anytime i may get discouraged in the future, i can just read a few of my posts and remember the strong passion i have for the children in the foster system..... Anyways, I
came across this form.  This is a form to document the items a child has when they first come to your home and then again when they move out of your home.... do you see this form is only 1 page? could you fill this 1 page form out for your biological child? I know i couldn't, 1 page wouldn't even be enough for all the babies she sleeps with at night.
This form right here is a big reminder to me on how children in our community are being raised..... Children who will grow to be adults in our community. This is why we need to step up and be a better "village" for those children in our community that may need our help. I am not quite sure how to build this village yet, but stay tuned i will figure it out!

1/15/2014 08:10:22 am

I don't see a form at all with this posting. Not sure what form you are referring to, but I'm curious to see it.

We need a village
1/15/2014 12:04:02 pm

If you click on the title "it all fits in a garbage bag" it should bring you to the post where you can then see it. Hope this helps :) Thanks for visiting!


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    I am a mother with a big heart who feels every child should be given a sucessful start to life.


    January 2014



    Growing Local Learning