It takes a village to raise a child; teachers, parents, neighbors and coaches are the members that we most often think of. But what about children who are being raised in the foster care system? Caregivers for these children tend to have more serious objectives for the child besides their grades in school, if they will be athletic or find an interest in music. It breaks my heart to think these children may miss out on so much due to the fact that finding a loving home outranks discovering their interests, or making sure they are grasping the basic skills of school. It doesn’t seem fare to me that children sometimes never find a loving family they can call home. 

Why should we even worry about the children in the foster care

    Because foster children are your child’s classmates. To raise a good child we have to make sure their peer influences are also good…. Whether it be a child who is being raised by a single mom who just doesn’t have enough time
to supervise all the time, or a child in the foster care system who is living at
another temporary home. All children deserve to have a healthy start to life and a healthy start includes a fair chance to receive proper education, and to not have to worry about where they will lie next week. 

    Foster care children will grow to adults, adults who will be our police officers, our doctors, our inmates…. I would love to say that no child will grow to be a criminal, but reality is that a lot of children in the system will never be taught anything other than criminal behavior. This is where we come into play, we being their village, we need to teach them right from wrong and we need to teach them love.  

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    I am a mother with a big heart who feels every child should be given a sucessful start to life.


    January 2014



    Growing Local Learning